

Selling your home is frustrating. Revinre approached us to help them tell the world (or at least Arizona) that there was a new way to sell your home. A way that cut out the middleman and put you in charge. A way that helped you avoid F.O.G.R.O.: the Feeling of Getting Ripped Off.


:30 TV

We wanted to do something that no one else in the real estate market was doing: be honest. By tapping into the idea of F.O.M.O. (the feeling of missing out) we were able to connect to our target audience and give them another acronym to use on their Twitter page. 

This was another great shoot because we got to use another one of my comedy friends, Kyle Coughlin. Kyle actually taught me pretty much everything I know about improv and sketch comedy, so working with him on this was a breeze. In fact, when I first began writing this script, I knew Kyle would play "Bob". I told him I wanted him to audition and he thought I was crazy. Well who's laughing now, Coughlin!? 



We really wanted to keep radio similar to TV. Since our TV spot relied so much on "Bob" freaking out, I wanted to have him list off all of the things he could have purchased with the money he could have saved using Revinre. 



Director: Ken Phox

Creative Director: Ken Phox

Art Director: Adam Garcia  

Studio: AudioEngine West

Engineer: Bob Giammarco